Never underestimate the power of perfectly shaped brows – they draw attention to your eyes and frame your face with style. But thin eyebrows can knock our confidence. If your brows are too thick, you can get them groomed – easy. But what do you do if they are too thin? 

Make-up can help. You can get an eyebrow tattoo or use an eyebrow styling gel. But wouldn't it be great to show off naturally thick brows?



Want to know how to make brows thicker? Here are a few tips to help your eyebrows grow thicker – naturally.



  Castor Oil


  Coconut Oil


  • Coconut oil helps condition your brows and improves blood circulation. Rich in essential fatty acids and vitamins to help remove oil-build up in the hair follicles and speed up hair growth.

  Olive Oil

  • Rich in vitamins A and E that help your eyelashes grow thicker.  Vitamin E nourishes the hair strand, while Vitamin A stimulates natural oils to keep the brows healthy.

  Petroleum Jelly

  • Petroleum Jelly is a brilliant moisturizer – it forms a seal over the skin and stops moisture from evaporating. Healthy, hydrated skin will help encourage healthy hair regrowth. Healthy skin, healthy brows.

  Aloe Vera

  • All skincare enthusiasts love Aloe Vera. It contains a compound called aloenin that strengthens the hair and makes it less prone to breakage.









Technology is always an option. But natural remedies are far cheaper and more effective than lengthy salon sessions – and you can do it from your own home. After all, nothing beats natural! 

Trust Bondi Lash Lab for stunning brows. Discover how to make brows thicker effortlessly.

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